Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Getting back on the horse

Step One: have sex with someone you know and trust to get your confidence back up...check!

Step Two: check out some of those online sites to see what the deal is...check!

I can talk about Step One in another post; he is a friend and probably deserves a little more respect than posting our sexual escapades on a public blog...but maybe not.

So onto Step Two...ah, step two.

In my effort to recreate myself as some respectable sort of woman, I checked out Match.com first. I immediately knew I was in the wrong place. Not that these men aren't looking for sex, I mean what man says no to sex? But these men are looking for relationships (the word makes me cringe right now, someday I may get over that...I will keep you posted) in addition to sex. They want LTR (long term relationships) and they use phrases like "REWARD: HAPPINESS EVER AFTER" or "Kind gentleman looking for that special lady." [insert gagging noise here].

Now I am not poking fun at these gentleman, the sentiment appears to be sincere and I wish them the best of luck on their quests, but the jaded bitch in me cannot stomach this. I realize that dating any of these men would be unfair as I am not looking for anything that serious and would end up getting bored with and trampling on one of these men just for sport. Seriously, I know myself...I can be cruel.

Now I need to start looking elsewhere...

[All of the quoted taglines are real taglines from profiles, copied exactly as they were posted by the authors. If you are looking for a real relationship, Match.com is a good place to start. The people seem sincere enough and there is a wide variety of people. Good luck to you on your quest.]

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