Saturday, January 10, 2009

Hard up -- Is that a bad thing?

I swear, that is the tagline that prefaces the profile that features this photo:

Does that cock look hard up to you?

Oh, and it gets better...he features three other limp cock photos taken outdoors.

What's that?

You want to see?

Evidently, he's a tree lover.
I love an environmentally conscious man.


Anonymous said...

Some guys have a hard bend in their dick. There is even a term "Broken Dick" for when a guy injures his dick and internal scarring causes it to develop a bend. This guy just might have a hard bend down.

Ever have guy pull out and miss trying to go back in - hard? That is how you get them.... And yes, I got one too - though not that much.

Anonymous said...

Here you go.
