Yes, sex can be about control; sometimes that is half the fun, the physical struggle for control. Yes, sometimes sex can be used as leverage; most people are not going to complain about getting laid for making a small compromise. But NO, sex should NEVER be used as a punishment; sex is supposed to be mutually beneficial and mutually enjoyable.
Did you hear that, ladies?
Let me say it again louder:
If it’s not, you’re doing it wrong.
Mutual, as in both parties agree to it. Forcing sex on anyone is a crime, one that happens far too often and gets punished not often enough.
I will take one minute for a Public Service Announcement:
Rape is a crime, period. If you have been a victim, call the Center Against Rape and Domestic Violence at 800-927-0197.Withholding sex is a wrong; it may not be a crime, but it certainly has its victims. Now cock your pretty little head to the side a little and give that sweet angelic look as you ask, “Who could it possibly be hurting?” Now I am going to cock my pretty little head to the side and smile a devilish smile as I reply, “You, bitch.”
Let’s start with the basics here. You don’t get into a relationship because you hate someone, right? So at some point, you must have loved this man you are now tormenting, right? A reasonable person could even assume that you must have had a decent sex life if you both settled down into a monogamous relationship, right? Then why the fuck are you tormenting this poor man by withholding sex now?
Do you think the men trolling the internet for pussy have loving, warm, sexually evolved women waiting for them at home?* No, they have dumb frigid women like you waiting for them at home. Perhaps getting a little

In the end, what do you hope to accomplish?
A life without sex? You're only punishing yourself, because he won't live without it forever, he'll just get it somewhere else. And if you regard sex as that much of a punishment that you would rather do without, seek counseling. Something somewhere went horrifically wrong in your programming, and you don't have to live like this.
If you are using sex as leverage, assuming he will never hold up to his end of the bargain, don’t think of it as punishment when he does. Instead, be flattered that he still WANTS to have sex with you. Psyche yourself up for it and you might even enjoy it.
*To be fair, I know it is not only women that play these games. But today I feel like addressing only the women. Maybe tomorrow I will want to address the men that play these games, to remind them that we can find cock anywhere, anytime we want...maybe.
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