It's been awhile, I know.
In my last post, I had written about Preschool Dad. Fast forward ten months and we are still dating. Dating plus spending pretty much every waking moment together and most of our sleeping moments, too. I've been lazy, but in my defense, I have been very busy being happy and having a lot of extremely satisfying sex. Just being happy is a HUGE task, so don't judge me too harshly.
Most of my posts (had I written any) the past ten months would have nauseated you anyway. They would have had titles like "How PSD Told Me 'I Love You'" and "Fyre and PSD on Vacation!" I spared you readers the agony of retching while reading sweet tales of birthday surprises and mushy pillow talk.
So now I must rededicate this blog to my relationship. Yes, I said took me many many many months to admit that is what this is. It will be damn near impossible to dedicate it to the usual topics as his is the only cock I'm getting (and I am not complaining). Unless you have an IQ under 25 or are tripping on serious amounts of acid, blank pink blog pages are no fun at all.
Having said that, I'm still me. I promise not to make it a blog full of posts titled "My Heart is So Full of Love Today" but rather "My Ass is So Sore Today!" Let's face it, PSD loves me, so he doesn't mind me sharing the really personal stuff...I think.
He read the blog before he fell in love, so he was warned.
I hope I have added to your misadventures and look forward to many, many more. I love sharing all of these moments with you. You rock girl!
You have...and there is nothing more satisfying than having someone to share misadventures WITH!
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