Wednesday, February 4, 2009

25 Personal Things

I did the "25 Random Things" on Facebook, but thought a more personal list would be a better fit here. You guys already know too much about me, so what's the difference if you learn a few more of my quirks?
  1. I lost my virginity at 14. People seem astounded when I tell them that, but I never felt that I started too young or before I could handle the responsibility that came with being sexually active. However, when I see 14 year olds now, they look like children.
  2. I know I am pretty but I don't think I am pretty. I am a very confident girl, yet a bundle of neurotic contradictions.
  3. My sexual drive positively governs my moods. It has been this way for as long as I can remember and I don't know how to change it.
  4. When I want something, or someone, I will move heaven and earth to get it, even if it's bad for me; this is usually the case.
  5. I don't understand people who are not that passionate. I have had my heart broken a few times because of this.
  6. I don't swallow. Don't even ask. You will never talk me into it.
  7. No one in the world appreciates my breasts as much as I do. I touch them constantly.
  8. I have fallen in love more times than I can count. I have never fallen out of love. If you were ever inducted into my heart, you are still there, you will be forever. (This includes my ex-husband)
  9. Someday, I want another baby.
  10. Since the birth of my daughter, I have kept myself in good shape. But now I fear that I have done irreparable damage to my figure in the last few months.
  11. I like anal sex.
  12. Finally, I accept that I can never have a traditional monogamous relationship.
  13. Now that I know this, I am terrified I will never find someone who can accept me for who and what I am.
  14. I have been fortunate enough in my life to have more good lovers than bad ones.
  15. I loved my husband, I loved our life. It frightens me how easily I was able to adapt to being single again after spending half my life with someone. See #12.
  16. Although I love kissing girls and touching girls, I don't love pussy. I consider myself an above-the-waist bisexual.
  17. After my separation, I got involved in an emotionally detrimental relationship with a married man. Aside from this, you will never find a mention of our relationship in my blog. I loved him, I respect his privacy.
  18. People always considered me to be quite open, because I talk a lot and share personal little anecdotes about my life easily. It was enough to distract people from the fact that I never shared anything of substance.
  19. One of my friends, someone who I love dearly, also does this...AND IT FUCKING DRIVES ME NUTS.
  20. When I was younger, I had so much unprotected sex that I am still in amazement that I made it through unscathed and healthy. I am now the Condom Nazi; I never even leave the house without them.
  21. I have fucked on the first date. I don't believe in waiting past the third though. Second date is usually my sweet spot.
  22. Compliments make me uncomfortable. VERY uncomfortable. I believe this comes from...
  23. I spent half my life with someone who vacillated between ignoring me and blatantly disrespecting me.
  24. When I am incredibly turned on, my brain ceases to function. As Clothespin has told me more than once, I literally get my brains fucked out.
  25. I masturbate a lot. More than a lot. I love myself more than anyone else ever will. :)


apricoco said...

On this note, I should send you my more "personal" version of the 25 things too.

Anonymous said...

Great list. Great blog.
I hope to learn more about you.

Fyre said...

Rereading this now, I cracked up about the relationship crap. This was days after I met PSD.