It all began Thursday, March 25. I had an evening to myself and a LOT of homework to do. I dragged my ass to the local Barnes & Noble and got to work. That Accounting homework never stood a chance. My only mistake of the night? Chugging a Venti latte around 9 pm. The first night of insomnia...
The next day was my daughter's birthday dinner at Chuck E. Cheese. That place is difficult enough to take on a good day. Try it on no sleep. To boot, my doctor had started me on a new medication we will simply refer to as "Cocaine in pill form" and I took my first dose before heading over to CEC. All night, I was sweating up a storm, my eyes were schizzing around the joint and my partner-in-crime had brought a flask of vodka we were sharing. It was just like my old party days. Good times! Second night of insomnia...
Throughout the next two weeks and five days, I suffered from sleepless nights for many reasons, and none of them sex or depravity-related. Poor PSD was insanely sick during this was hectic...there was always something. By two weeks and five days I was suffering from cold sweats and hallucinations.
The exhaustion finally led to me throwing my back out. Oddly, the pain was SO severe that I was finally able to sleep. The next several days were excruciating, I could barely move. It's now been almost two weeks and I am managing the pain with Vicodin, under my doctor's care.
By now, if you are still reading, you are wondering what this post is doing on a blog where I talk (primarily) about sex...right? I have to tell you, I had to go WEEKS without sex. It was maddening. I know I used to go for much longer stretches without sex; my ex withheld sex all the time (and to this day he wonders why I cheated) but it has been so long since I have had to worry about it. How the hell do people live without it? I need feedback, I need to know!
The other reason I am posting this, so you know, is that I am high as a kite on Vicodin.
I sympathize with you, and look forward to catching up on prior blogposts.
Where is PreSchool Dad and when is he returning to satisfy your needs?
Oh, he was here...caring for me, feeding me Vicodin.
You will be happy to know the sex shortage has been over a while now. We made up for it this weekend.
I am definitely happy that you're getting your quota of sex....
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